Sunday, June 20, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love.

(Written on June 19, edited a day later)

Patty's soul mate was a Jew named John, who by the end of the story turned out to be a sleeze bag. His father didn't really like Patty, and she thinks that John's dad probably payed him off to marry someone else, and not live with Patty in London. Lame. Someone like John doesn't deserve love. Anyway, now John is in Arizona with his (probably Jewish) princess of a wife. Boooo John.

Stars again last night. Wish i could enjoy them with a friend. Surprised that I haven't seen a shooting star yet.....and to think that I saw one with Michaela in Clark Park! Go figure. I also heard some rustling in the grass next to me, and I turned on my mini flashlight to see what kind of creature it was......field mouse. yuuuuuck.

My friend, Michaela asked me what I am reading, here in Vermont. I told her I am reading Eat, Pray, Love. Have you read it yet? I started it probably about a year ago, and loved it. Loved it. But put it down once Liz got to India, and I guess I put it down once I started school again. Its great, though. Once again, here I am with Liz in India - hope I don't get distracted. Must. Finish. Book. All goes to say that I love it. Love the way she writes, and thinks and her humor is sassy and fun. This memoir makes me want to quit my job (laughing inside because I don't really have a job) and move to Italy to learn the language, and eat pasta with all of those lovely Italians.


Liz took a train from Rome to Naples one day practically just to try their pizza. She almost died eating it because it was so good, and then she and her friend both got a second pizza. After that, Liz and her friend, Sophie, left the pizza place looking for pastries! If only my stomach were as bottomless as that. I guess that's something I'm gonna have to work on. As silly as it sounds, I'll definitely be seeing the movie version in August. Elizabeth Gilbert writes so colorfully and humorously and with Julia Roberts playing Liz, this will be a book I have to see on screen :) I told Michaela that I also want to start (again) and finish Kite Runner and Pride and Prejudice, Food Not Lawns, Blue Like Jazz (for like the 3rd time) and skim through Secrets of Simplicity (which I am skeptical of)....and a whole lot more if i can manage it.

Big news for today is that I went to the swimming hole. Yet another thing i dream about constantly in the city. It was gorgeous - like straight outta a magazine. Smooth rocks, big and little. Clear skies, Clear water (I could see my toes perfectly when I was standing with the water to my chin) and beautiful pine trees lining Rock River.

And I guess last week was mating season for the froggies. All that hard work produced millions of little toddler tadpoles who joined me for a swim. Soon they'll be adolescents - making bad grades, getting into trouble at home, dying their tales pink...

I sure hope I'm there for that.

How long does it take before tadpoles get legs?


  1. swam with frog spawn. mmmm.

  2. I can't believe I haven't read this book yet...must do it soon b/c I wanna see the movie :-)
